Why Do Asians Love Luxury Labels?

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im an Asian, well to be exact, Chinese descent..and my parents (well, they are definetely Asians too.lol!) always tell me to not show off, and so do my grandparents. They always said that there is no point of buying luxury things like car, bag, jewelry just to show that you are rich. What I would get is just jelaousy or get robed.hahaha...Indeed, Chinese people always hide the fact that they are rich by living in modesty.
When I was a kid, I thought that my parents are poor, well not exactly poor, but in so-so condition. But as I grow older, I realize that they have a lot of savings and investment. And yeah, my mom loves diamond, my dad loves sport, but they dont make it obvious. They always buy something to enjoy themselves or because of the quality. But they buy it because they are capable to do that and have lots of money left and unused!

So i find it's awkward to say that the habit to spend on luxury things is in Asian blood. I mean, see us (TPF) as an example. There are a lot of wondeful people here and we all have various ethnicity. The reason we are here is because we love purse, right? not only Asians then who love purse..
It is not depend on the ethnicity, but depend on the person himself or herself. and i dont think it is wrong to spend ur own money as long as u dont get urself in debt.
Actually..I received some Pm's from members that were really offended by this topic.I think it could be worded better...myself(without the stereotyping)..So this thread is closin for the night.
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