Home & Garden white bath towels


Jan 16, 2006
I'm thinking of getting some white bath towels. Our bathrooms are primarily grey and I think white would look nice and fresh. But I'm afraid before long they'd look dingy or yellowed. Anyone use white towels?
I use only white towels. They do eventually yellow but it takes a while; make sure the towels are rotated. I replace them when they do and they become cleaning rags.

BTW, I think the towels turn yellow faster when using front-loading washers. My parents have the old fashioned washing machines and their towels (sheets, pillow cases) are still bright white or at least not noticeably yellow or dingy.
I thought I would mix things up a bit in our bathroom so I bought a set of beautiful white fluffy cotton bath towels. That was one time. My husband did not care for them, and every time I washed my face, I ended up with residual makeup on the face towel, and I just hated it because we both have sensitive skin and I don't use bleach, just detergent. After a few washings, those beautiful white towels ended up in the garage for shop rags. I am sticking with my saturated colors. I have a good friend who only uses white towels, and she loves the heck out of them.
I thought I would mix things up a bit in our bathroom so I bought a set of beautiful white fluffy cotton bath towels. That was one time. My husband did not care for them, and every time I washed my face, I ended up with residual makeup on the face towel, and I just hated it because we both have sensitive skin and I don't use bleach, just detergent. After a few washings, those beautiful white towels ended up in the garage for shop rags. I am sticking with my saturated colors. I have a good friend who only uses white towels, and she loves the heck out of them.
I did get some white towels. They're hotel style from costco. We like them so far. I'm using some and keeping some in reserve so over time I can if they yellow.
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I’m a big fan of white towels (and sheets.) I have some white towels that are over 20 years old and still look great. I’ve just found colored towels fade fast and just look dingy quickly; they usually end up in the dog towel closet. I do use bleach and when I do, I run the rinse cycle twice.
I switched to white after my colored towels and sheets faded or got stains that to remove, pulled the color too.
IME (in my experience) cleaning whites successfully is highly dependent upon your cleaning environment- type of water, cleanliness of washer's inner interior, soap, additional products, type of stain, previous cleaning, your knowledge.

It's really not that hard. And bleach isn't always necessary. I'll never return to colors.
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I’ve used only white towels for about 15 years. My No. 1 rule is make certain I take all makeup off with a wipe before I wash my face. I bleach occasionally, use oxyclean sometimes. I also use a bluing agent. After a looong while, they will get too dingy, about the same time they begin to look ragged. I replace & keep the old as rags. I purchase cheap at BJ’s or Costco (they have great white towels!). Mentally I would rather bathe with a dingy white washcloth that I know is clean & can See it rather than a colored washcloth that I cannot see what’s on it.
I only use white towels with the exception of a few patterned hand towels. You can easily tell when they are dirty. If there’s a bunch of make up on it - it’s dirty! I don’t want to hide the dirt.
I like clean. I read an article once about towels & bacteria and ever since I bleach my towels in the wash.

They’ve lasted years & everything including hair dye washes out. Every now and then I’ll replace one which is easy to match unlike colors which fade anyway.