which is cuter?

I think both are fun, bold colors, but I think the "cuter" color is blue jean. Orange is a bold statement(and the iconic H color) but when I think cute, I think softer colors(blue jean is one of them) or..doe- eyed animals etc etc...therefore blue jean!!
I think it's hard to decide without knowing what style/size/leather of bag you would prefer.

IMO, which colour is cuter depend on the style of the bag.

Take an example, for an Evelyn, I think orange is cuter than BJ. But take a Bolide, I think BJ is cuter than orange. Generally, I would think with larger bags, BJ is cuter (orange would look too much), for a smaller size, the orange can add that extra pop to the bag.
In terms of "Cuter"... I would have to go w/ Blue Jean. It's exudes freshness, hip, spring, Cuteness...

Whereas, the Poitiron exudes the H empire! :biggrin: It's Bold and I agree w/ MudMud, the colour is Chic and sophisticated in smaller bags but in larger it's not so "cute". I had a JPG and 32 Kelly in Poitiron... for some reason I just couldn't pull off the Poitiron very well... so I consigned both of those. But I still have my BJs!! :biggrin:
wait...I thought it was orange or blue jean, not potiron and blue jean.

Potiron is different, orange is cuter than potiron.

I want an orange bag now. dang!!!