Which is best for a first time Balenciaga purchase?

I want either the Motorcycle medium Pink, or the small slate blue. I can't decide which.
I want something that pops, that's why I chose COLOR. Just the girly girl I am! :girlsigh:
Please, tell me what you guys think!


  • balenciagasmallblue.jpg
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  • balenciagarosepetalpink.jpg
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I vote for the pink city. :smile: It's a more versatile style, IMO, as it fits more and you can use it day and night. But if you're not a heavy packer, the first seems to be a lovely bag as well. I'm getting a city soon so that's probably why I'm rooting for the city. :graucho:
I am very defiant. I am afraid that I want to cheat and say that i like the blue colour but in the larger City style. In fact - I suddenly want one myself terribly. That is dreadful because I musn't have it!