Which eye do you 'do' better

Which eye do you apply makeup to better?

  • Right-handed, right eye

  • Right-handed, left eye

  • Left-handed, right eye

  • Left-handed, left eye

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Mar 30, 2011
Even though I'm right-handed, I always seem to apply my makeup to my left eye much better than my right. My eyeliner is a tad straighter and my eyeshadow perfectly blended on the left eye. And my right eye is somewhat wonky no matter how hard I try. :thinking:

So which eye do you 'do' better.
I use my right hand, and have an easier time applying eye shadow and liner to my left eye, but mascara is easier for me to apply on the right. I think my left eye turns out better most of the time. Great poll!
ha, wondered about that myself. Right hand, right eye turns out fine.

Anything winged on my left eye turns out funny - I'm thinking no pairs of eyes are symmetrical? My left eye crease extends lower than my right so my "wing" runs over the crease like a road accident :P
Right-handed right eye. I can never get the eyeliner to flick out just so at the ends on my left eye. And I apply blush better on my right cheek too. Weird.