Which colors for monogram on an orange PM St. Louis


Jan 13, 2010
My SIL and I are getting one for MIL for Christmas. I'm the local so am charged with selecting the monogram colors and I'm stumped. The Barney's SA was pushing dark green over white or yellow and I thought it was too garish. I was thinking gray/white, but my SIL thinks it may be too understated. I just don't know. I really appreciated your suggestions for my bordeaux so I figured, I'd ask here again. Many thanks!
I like your gray/white combo. Understatement is always classy. If you do want more color, what about a light blue and white? I can't wait to see your reveal. Orange is a great color, so have fun picking out your combo.
Grey sounds like a good idea! Thing is, orange is such a bright and versatile colour, that it goes with almost everything... (Sorry that I'm no help; I've always had an affinity for light blue as Ladybaga suggested)
Grey/white sounds fab! I think it will look great, orange & grey are neutrals so it will go good together!!

It's very sweet of you to get such a nice gift for your MIL!
Thanks for all the responses. After thinking about it more, my SIL thinks orange, though MIL's favorite color, might be too bright for a bag. I think it would be great, but given the in-law factor, I'm merely the purchaser here, but am bummed b/c if she doesn't make up her mind by tomorrow, we won't be able to get the bag before Christmas.
What about getting a bag and then letting your MIL pick the monogramming later? I know it means she won't get to wear it for several weeks, but it might take some of the pressure off color decisions.