When can I use my pampellone? Update on my 'goal'

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Choose to be happy
Sep 19, 2006
As y'all know, I finally got my dreamed for pampellone. Lol, a couple of people PM'ed me to ask if I stuck to my goal of finishing my cleaning before I got it...
I am a huge pack rat....yeah like ya'all didn't know that! And my kids have def. inherited that bad habit from me! LOL. Anywho, my only New Year's resolution is to get rid of some of the clutter and stuff we don't use....so, so hard for me.

So I have decided to 'pay' myself for clearing it out. Anything I sell, the $ goes into an LV fund. And every bag of stuff that leaves the house, via trash or donation I get $20.00 for the LV fund! And I can only buy LV from the fund, until it's done! That's really the key, because it's not a money issue, so that's why selling has not been a motivator for me in the past....but now it will be....If I want that Pampellone and Brentwood, I had better get to work.

Crazy, yeah, I know but I am hoping it motives me to get it going!

Not quite, but not too bad, I did purge a lot of stuff and the bag was 1630 + tax, and with my paypal funds, cleaning funds, and a chritmas gift card...I ended up writing a check for only 296.10!!!! That was pretty cool. :yahoo:

I realized I ended up getting it 12 days after I decided to get it....so much for the delayed gratification, I thought I was working on. Oh, well...better than normal for me. :P

Anywho, the real question is such it is such a warm weather looking bag, when can I use it without looking gauche? Remember I am in CA :beach: ....

Can I use it Feb? Too soon??? Surely by March, non? What do you think?

That is a beautiful bag. Personally, considering the coloring and the handles, it really does look more like a summer tote. I would wait to use it later..maybe April. No matter, its beautiful! Enjoy it.
Congrats!! I agree with what everyone said, late Feb will be great, but i think any sunny winter day will be good too? I already use mine
(Speedy Azur 30) in TX cuz it's always sunny ^^;
Ohhh I love that bag! So pretty! I've been begging for one to use as a beach bag, but if I managed to get my hands on it, I would so totally use it right now! Especially on one of those freaky warm days!