whats your room smell like? lol

And being the long weekend we can't get anyone here to fix it. We cleaned up all the poopy smell but we can't let any water drain until tomorrow - eeeeewwww.
Anyone want to come over for tea?

PS Christy - U R So cute!!!
My apartment currently smells like a Yankee Pear and Vanilla candle I am burning. :tup:

Now that it will be fall soon I will be breaking out the cinnamon and pumpkin-scented candles.
Yesterday it smelt like fresh, crisp sun dried linen after bringing the sheets in off the line.

Today it smells like last nights dinner...and I hate dinner smells after dinner.
Yesterday was our anniversary ... DH gave me pink lillies and almost the whole house is full of the fragrance. Up this end in my study is too far away and all I can smell in here is vanilla candles.