What snaps you out of a bad mood?

Jul 23, 2007
I have a wonderful friend who said to me once (when I was moody & feeling sorry for myself) " Cheer up you big fanny!!". I first thought "You cheeky...." then I started laughing & really laughed. If I feel low I think to myself "Cheer up you big fanny!!" :lol::lol::lol::lol:

What works for you?
When I'm moody I just go out for a long walk or a run and I immediately feel better and more positive. Endorphin high I guess?
Other things that cheer me up are jewelry, a nice big plate of pasta, and a good stiff drink.
A sweet nonmonetary gesture from my SO. He'll do or say the sweetest thing to try and brighten my mood.

Or when my DS just comes and hug me then lay down next to me. It makes me feel anger/ sadness is a waste of emotion. Then all is dandy again even if the frustrations were still there.
My dog (see pic in sig) putting her head on my lap and nudging me with her paw for attention. I swear she senses when I am upset or stressed and tries to calm me down.
I was going to say food, but I usually feel worse after eating! I like to read in a quiet room or look at old pictures of my family. Sometimes going for a car ride helps too.