What is an interesting fact that you know, but others may not?


Jun 17, 2006
I thought this would be an interesting thread. Post something (an interesting fact or something like that) that you know, but that many others may not.

I'll start!

Did you know that premarital cohabitation (living together without being married or without having definite plans to become married) has been shown in NUMEROUS studies to have a significantly negative impact on marriage? People who live together before married have been seen to have less marital happiness, higher divorce rates, etc.

I had always thought it was the opposite. It makes since to live with someone before marrying them to get to know them! But no. Thought that was interesting!
what do you mean?

Meaning living together does not necessarily cause = have an IMPACT on divorce rates. It may well be that people more likely to divorce are more likely to want to live together before getting married, just as people who have cultural reasons for not living with a partner before marriage may also have cultural reasons for not getting divorced. Higher divorce rates and higher cohabitation rates may have the same cause rather than one being the result of the other.
Meaning living together does not necessarily cause = have an IMPACT on divorce rates. It may well be that people more likely to divorce are more likely to want to live together before getting married, just as people who have cultural reasons for not living with a partner before marriage may also have cultural reasons for not getting divorced. Higher divorce rates and higher cohabitation rates may have the same cause rather than one being the result of the other.

oh no, I wasn't saying that if you live together before marriage you are DEFINITELY going to have a failed marriage. I was just saying that according to numerous studies, it has been seen (statistically) that people who lived together before marriage (once again, statistically) tend to have less successful/less fulfilling marriages. But sure, there could definitely be other reasons.

anyways, wasn't trying to create an argument, just thought that was interesting!
oh no, I wasn't saying that if you live together before marriage you are DEFINITELY going to have a failed marriage. I was just saying that according to numerous studies, it has been seen (statistically) that people who lived together before marriage (once again, statistically) tend to have less successful/less fulfilling marriages. But sure, there could definitely be other reasons.

I read that somewhere.
oh no, I wasn't saying that if you live together before marriage you are DEFINITELY going to have a failed marriage. I was just saying that according to numerous studies, it has been seen (statistically) that people who lived together before marriage (once again, statistically) tend to have less successful/less fulfilling marriages. But sure, there could definitely be other reasons.

anyways, wasn't trying to create an argument, just thought that was interesting!

I am not trying to get into it either, nor did I understand you to be suggesting that people cohabiting are all doomed. My point is simply that cohabiting does necessarily LEAD TO a lower chance of success in a marriage, even though it is a predictive indicator.
"wherefore art thou, romeo?" means WHY are you romeo (why is he from a rival family)...not WHERE are you. it changes the whole meaning of the soliloquy when you understand the correct meaning of "wherefore." also, the next line ("a rose by any other name would smell as sweet") makes more sense as part of the whole.