What did I just buy?! Oldie?...

I know this is from Tradesy but still, check out THAT bal tag. I almost feel there is something off with every one of these bags.... legit every one is different. And if some are fakes why make them of an obscure style that nobody knows? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone [emoji38] https://www.tradesy.com/bags/balenciaga-saddle-saddle-buckle-shoulder-bag-tan-20589845/?utm_source=gpl&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping - Bags - Brand&utm_content=balenciaga&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkZfLBRCzARIsAH3wMKrFknPJCw7wGVjqUnrku2pEY1WCLZHIsx0mTUVkWbdp3qGsGjoPThEaAvvgEALw_wcB
If you notice, this bag looks more like the shape of yours, while the other ones are somewhat longer north/south.
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