What bag would you wear with a Navy sheep skin coat ??


Luvin' luxury goods
Aug 28, 2008
Its a casual style just passed the butt and has a hood on it, its navy blue!
any recs for a bag that will go with it and a bag that wont turn blue from the navy !???
thanks :rolleyes:
Hmm, well a camel leather bag would look awesome, but there's that pesky color transfer issue. I would probably Apple it up anyway and give it a shot, though. I got a navy coat last year and I think I wore mostly black and whiskey/walnut colored bags with it, but Im sure I'll give my camel Thompson a try this year.
I would suggest a bag in the Walnut color, I think that would be gorgeous against a navy coat! Some possible suggestions would be a Walnut Leigh, Luci or Gigi

ITA! Walnut or whiskey colors would look really nice against navy. Also a winter white would work, just watch for that pesky color transfer thing!