Weird Question......

I'm not quite sure what handed I am considered. I write and eat with the left hand and also find that doing fine motor things like painting nails is easier with the left. I throw, dribble, hold a raquet, cut with scissors, etc-anything that is gross motor or requires strength with my right. If I am not thinking about it, my natural inclination is to throw my bag on my left shoulder!
I was just thinking about this myself a few days ago. How odd that you bring this up. I am right-handed and I always wear a shoulder bag on my left shoulder. I noticed myself doing it and wondered why as it has always been a natural thing I do. I tried switching and wearing it on my right shoulder but it felt so unnatural. I think it must be that my right hand is so dominant it doesn't wany my bag getting in it's way. ;)

I hand carry my bags with alternating hands but I would say I usually carry in my non-dominant left hand. I think it's just to keep my dominant hand free to do the important stuff like opening doors and signing checks. LOL
I am a leftie as well. I have always worn my bags on my right shoulder. Try it for a few days and see if you can get used to it. It is so much easier to carry your bag on the opposite shoulder of the hand you write with. The bag doesn't fall off that often. Hope this helps!

Me as well-I am a leftie and I wear my bags on the right shoulder or carry with the right hand/wrist. I wear my watch on the left though.;)
I am right handed and generally carry a bag in my right too. I think it could be a protective issue. You will obviously have more strength/control on the side you use to grab hold in fear of the bag being ripped from you. Which hand do you wipe with? Ew I use tp lol.
Interesting, I never thought about this!

I am right handed, but I wear my watch on my left wrist
I carry shoulder bags on my right shoulder, I carry handheld with my left hand. I carry the crook of the arm on the right arm.

Feels weird any other way
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I'm right-handed and always carry my handbags on my right shoulder or in my right hand. I'm actually trying to switch and carry it on the left now. I tend to carry big bags with lots of stuff in them, and it can get heavy after a while. So now I try to carry it in my left hand, but it does feel sort of weird. :lol: