vinyal 08 bag


Apr 8, 2007
anyone know of any vinyl chanel bags for everyday, i saw one on the forum posted from neiman marcus and i dont know the name or the price. it is vinyl with gold chain handles?
/Users/rashellebeyder/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2008/08/18/IMG_2711.JPG
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Your picture is not showing up.

My guess is that you're referring to the Rodeo Vinyl?


yes! the second one!!! does any one know the retail price for it?

Me! Me! I know! *raising hand and jumping up and down*

Okay, earlier I was debating between this vinyl tote and my new dont-know-the-name caviar tote in the store. This vinyl one costs around $2,450 and my SA said, for only $200 or so more she would go for the leather/caviar tote (which is $2,650 of course) so I did. And that's why I remembered!!
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