Ugly bridesmaids gown for a Gucci??

That is pretty silly - it's like bridezilla exept worse !

Honestly though, if she was a good friend, I wouldn't care if there was a handbag involved or not. I would try to do everything I could to make what ought to be the happiest day in her life, well, the happiest !! :yes:
30 lbs in 5 months is pretty drastic, if you're talking about a 2007 wedding. How does she expect you to lose this weight, and so quickly?
If she wants the bridesmaids to have the ideal "look", she should pay for a nutritionist or trainer, in your case, right? I mean, how did she come up with 30 lbs? If it's an arbitrary number, she needs to get her head examined and even if you do have weight to lose, you need to take it slowly, anyway, and reassess after every 5 lbs or so! I'm so appalled by this. I especially like how she sugar coated this thinly veiled insult. You should do what you feel comfortable with and nothing else. That bride is lucky you're even still in the wedding.:hysteric:
Pursegrrl said:
That's too bad she has no taste in bridesmaid dresses, despite you loving her closet!

I would be absolutely appalled and offended if I was told I had to go to such extreme measures to be in a wedding party! Sure, we'll get our nails done and hair/makeup done like the bride wants us to, but telling your wedding party to lose/gain weight or get laser surgery or whatever is bulls:censor: t!

This is a wedding - it's about celebrating one of the most important days of your friend's life, not a pageant.

I couldn't agree more. Your friend's mother seems to have lost sight of the point of this whole celebrate her daughter's wedding and nothing else. I can't imagine why she has shifted her focus to unimportant issues such as the bridesmaids' weight, etc. If it was me, I would be fuming :rant: and would definitely consider boycotting the wedding.
this is terrible....who does she think she is...i understand that weddings can make people do crazy things but this is over the top...i would try to do what my friend asks me to, to make her day happy, the mom, you totally lose respect when people do things like that
Yes, the bride is your friend, and yes, the Gucci bag would be a dream, but neither of those things are worth selling your soul for! (I'd even be iffy about wearing the dress!)

If you do go through with it, remember that you can always just up and leave if she gives you too much crap.

Yes, she is getting married but that doesn't give her the right to treat any of you like her playthings. By going along with it you're just encouraging her to act in a way that's completely unacceptable.
I've read stories about women who choose the . . . um . . . how can I put this nicely? REALLY not in the best shape (and then pick really hideous / ill-fitting dresses) so they'd be the center of attention.

My question is . . . if you had women who REALLY aren't in the best shape, in ill-fitting dresses, wouldn't THEY be the center of attention? Not to be mean, but the whole package is kind of difficult to miss.
WTF!!! I'd put up with wearing an ugly dress. It's offensive for the mother to make demands about changing one's appearance through weight loss or surgery. Just because she's paying for it, that doesn't give her the right to make demands. This isn't a casting call for a slick Hollywood movie where actresses are told to lose weight for the part.

That being said, if I were trying to lose weight anyway (and who isn't these days), I can understand using this as a motivator to lose what weight I can. If it doesn't meet the "requirement" then that's just too bad for the mom--what is she going to do...kick you out of the wedding party? But dental surgery, a dermatologist, and laser hair removal costs a lot of money and can involve pain and discomfort--there's nothing that can compensate for that. Not even a dream handbag that costs a grand.
Wow, thats one of the most insulting requests I've ever heard, and from the mother of one of your friends! I would never accept anything like that for a bag. That mom should be ashamed of herself to demand such things from her daughters friends - even if she would pay for the weighloss therapy/laser hair removal/what ever. (And someone should tell her so).

But, this is your friends wedding, so it's not just about a bag or not - you would probably want to ask yourself if this is a friend who is important to you, and also if she would do the same for you. Maybe, if this is a frienship you value, you could work out something with your friend - she clearly needs to speak up to her mom, or she'll lose both all of her friends as well as her dignity. If her mom could agree to ask nicely, and offer to help the bridesmaids to look their best - not demand an extreme makeover, it might be easier to accept. And as to the ugly dress, I guess that is not uncommon and often part of the bridesmaid thing... As long as you're not paying for it, maybe you could accept it to make your friend happy.
pisdapisda79 said:
If you were planning on losing the weight anyways you might as well get a free purse out of it. You could even return the purse if you wanted the cash

sounds crazy and quite BIZAARE! but i would do it. :smile: it gives quite a good incentive yah know!:yes: