Two quick reveals - First purchases from boutique

And done! Sorry for the bad quality pix - I was taking them in the dark after putting my twins to sleep.
The earrings are my first ever Chanel CJ purchase - never thought I would indulge but they were just so pretty!

The boy WOC is something I have always lusted after and then when the black on black came, it was just love at first sight!! I couldn't resist...I am not usually so impulsive - but there it is...
Congratulations on getting the black on black boy WOC and those beautiful earrings, sanaenver! :smile:

Congrats!!!!! I had been waiting flower for a boy WOC in leather and I jumped on the black on black ASAP!! Lovely earrings too by the way!!!
Cuteandcouture, I love your auto correct typos! You're a cute waiting flower. ;)