tPF Australia - Putting the *ss in class

^ Ouch Sass burnt lips from hot oil is not good, I hope it feels better today. Burns to your mouth lips are so painful.

You are lucky now living close to Sydney, it has fabulous shopping, I think I'm due for a visit....hmmm :biggrin: if you get the chance checkout the Oroton website for some inspiration.

The swelling to my lips is slowly going down - thankfully! Had visions of the true duck face/trout pout for the next few months.

And yes it's out 30th this year (old huh? lols) I think we are heading to Sydney as our Anniversay is on the 30th Dec and I have always wanted to spend New Years in Sydney, so we might combine the two and make a trip down. We are thinking about heading OS at some stage this year as a real celebration trip away, haven't decided where yet.
Hey S[B]***[/B] and Loki... I'm, doing 'ok'. I did go back to work loki but took a couple of days off this week. Everything after the funeral just sort of caught up with me. I feel bit low but will be okay! Catching up with my most FAVE teacher from high school this arvo. Hurrah.
What are you ladies up to?? Ohhh Sunday, Sunday!
Ohh Sass!!! Hahaha...
I bolded your name but missed out the first S...
So bolded the first S separately - and it seems it took it as two separate words!! Hahaha.
I'm not editing that. So appropriate for this thread.
Glad to hear things are ok coco. How is school going? Are you due any plays soon or not til later in year?

I agree re: I_wona has anyone heard from her? If for some reason you can't post it on thread can someone please PM me.
Had a pretty boring weekend - rain, rain go away don't come back another day, so sick of rain.

Coco :hugs:

Hey R how are you going?

As for i_wona I have no idea, miss her humour & craziness here.....same goes for Cal
Hey everyone,

Wow, this thread really is having a revival!!

Coco- hope your doing better, I love my kitchen rules. The lawyer keeps wearing shirts that my bf has and now he is refusing to wear them :lol:

Laloki- Have your lips settled down yet?

Sass - ha,ha, it didn't take long for coco's spelling of your name to be censored! You all settled in now?

Hi everyone else!
Hey Casper yes my lips have settled heaps, going back this week for a bit of a fix up but otherwise all good :smile:

I can't get into reality TV and the ads for MKR just turned me right off, I got so sick of hearing "yeah" from the "princess" .......oooooh made me grrrrrr every time an ad came on. Franks is into it though, she was hoping we could compare notes and have a b*tch when watching it!

What have you been up to lately Casper? Did you enjoy your show?
Hey East Coasters, hope you are doing OK in the floods. Sorry for those of you who are banana-benders & already had flooding. I just saw that Warragamba had overtopped in Sydney. That doesn't look good.