Ya, did you guys hear about that guy who voiced Chef decided to leave the show because of the "trapped in the closet" (Scientology) episode? He apparently didn't like how the show was making fun of religion. But come onnn that show makes fun of everything and anything! He's just offended because he happened to be a scientologist. By the way that episode is on YouTube last time I checked, go watch it if you haven't, it's great!!
Ooops I'm waaayy off-topic, sorry. Back to TC and KH, funny thing is, I used to LOVE Tom (face-only, I drool over him and is probably the only reasons I watch his movies) and I used to think Katie is soooo cute back in the days of Dawson's Creek. But now, uuhhh he's just getting creepier everyday! And this whole baby thing is sketchy. I have to see this baby when it grows up to be convinced it's actually his (wasn't that's why Nicole and Tom adopted, because Tom can't have kids? Correct me if I'm wrong please). Sketchy.