This baby needs tons of thoughts and prayers


I love bags
Sep 13, 2005
I mentioned the other night that the new edition to the family I nanny for was pre-mature and in the NICU right now. He was doing great, but today things really turned for the worse. They had to do a spinal tap and few cat scans, and found that he has bleeding in his brain. He has a level 2 brain hemorrhage and they will keep on monitoring him... no idea really of what will happen from here.

This family is like my 2nd family- they are amazing. I just wanted to get anyone else out there to send a little thought or prayer to this baby- he needs it right now.

Thanks all :heart:
Lord, you are the great healer. Please guide the doctor's heads and hands as they make their decisions. We pray for the bleeding to stop and for this baby to make a complete recovery. Please keep the parents and loved ones in your hands as they worry through this difficult time.
Dear Lord, please watch over this little baby. Please be with his parents and loved ones. Please give them the strength and the faith they need to get through this. Please be with the doctors as they do their best to help this precious baby.


(Megs, what's the baby's name?)
Thank you so much everyone. I will keep you all posted- I will hear more tomorrow, same as the parents.

It is so sad, they can not spend the night there with the baby- and they were just so upset tonight.

I have been praying all night for this little guy- he is absolutely adorable. When I saw him, he was just starting to open his eyes more.
Oh, his name is gorgeous, poor little Beckett. It so sad when a child is in a situation like this. But the power of prayer is unimaginable and God listens I KNOW he does! God will answer our prayers.