they're here! no bags, just small stuffs.. (reveal)

thanks all for the comments and for joining me in my mini reveal..
sorry for the time difference..
it's off to bed for you..
but it's only 2pm here for me..
so, please check out tomorrow for modelling pics coming up in editing..
i'm actually dedicating this thread to the bonnie wristlet because i seriously feel like this is one of my best investment ever..
when the parcel arrived, i immediately took out the bonnie to see how large is the so called wristlet..
this is because that i had to attend a whole day office workshop event whereby i can't take my normal handbag because i had to move now and then to several seminar rooms to check on events.. and i don't quite trust anybody to just put my bag at their workdesk and not to mention the crowd..

so here she is.. (and me! hahaha )
and as usual, my reveal will not be complete without modelling pics.. haha..

just for the sizing comparison..
i'm 5' 3"

here's the bonnie when shoulder carry.. kinda tight on the armpit.. no, i did not carry her this way.. :nogood:
but just so u know how it looked like.. and it is possible though..
