The Simpsons Movie (July 27)

That's my fear, too. Usually a big-screen version of a tv series spells the end for said TV show. Hopefully they won't cancel "The Simpsons"!

That's not true! Remember The Spongebob Squarepants Movie? (Hilarious!) That came out a couple years ago, and the series is still on.

(In fact, an episode was nominated for this year's Emmy's.)
My daughter wants me to take her to see this when it comes out. To be honest, I've never seen one episode of the simpsons, never had any desire to. Not sure what to expect? I think because its cartoons I never had any interest. Maybe I'll like it - they are so popular.
I've seen it on wednesday and I have to admit that I was rather disappointed :shame: Ok, it was funny and entertaining, but I also thought it was very tame and too family focused, if you know what I mean.
I can't wait! Seeing this tonight with the dh. Haha I still remember taping the very first episode as a kid!

Lorebunde, you're missing out! Even though its animated the simpsons can be very clever and silly at the same time.
I can't wait! Seeing this tonight with the dh. Haha I still remember taping the very first episode as a kid!

me too! I got the simpson's comforter for christmas. i saw it in my mom's trunk weeks before the big day and turns out it was from "santa" when it was under the tree christmas morning... devastating realization let me tell ya :wtf:
Saw The Simpsons movie today. It's great- really, really funny! I really recommend going.
"Spider-pig, spider-pig, does whatever a spider-pig does!- Ha! Ha!" - This is stuck in my head now.