The funniest thing my 3 1/2 year old said to me...

So this morning we were running to the toy store to return something that she had gotten 2 of for Christmas. She asked where we were going with her toy and I explained that she had gotten 2 of them for Christmas and didn't need both. So a couple minutes goes by and she says "mommy, maybe we should return some of your Coach bags in your closet. You don't need more than 1 of them." Then she says "just KIDDING MOMMY!!!!!!" and starts laughing at me!!!

OMG!!! HAHAHA!!!! She had a small point there. :P

HA HA HA! Too cute!

Yes, leave it to the little ones to cut right to the truth, huh?!! So cute !!Mmy five year old is my Coach store buddy. The SA's there eat him up when we go!

My three year old draws a lot of the "o he's so cute" attention. My 9 year old heads to one of the chairs and says "Tell me when you're done picking out ANOTHER Coach!"
That's so funny, lol.

Along those lines ~ I guess I've been going to the Coach store too much recently because when I had to have my car serviced, I told my 7 year old that dh was going to have to chauffeur me around now. My ds said "Dad, no trips to the Coach store for Mom!" :girlsigh: