The Bumpers Club 5-

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it was so fun to see your bag & hear your story. I'm so happy for you!!! hope you have fun for the rest of your time in london.

I'm back. just wanted to say thank you again to my friends p, pink, bex, tillie and ff for letting me share my story and pics about my first and hg Chanel. I had a great time posting it and love that you were all here to enjoy her beauty with me.

I will talk some modeling pics today and post them tonight.

I also need to take pics of the book and makeup samples my sa gave me as well as my other London purchases but I'll wait until I get home home as it's faster and easier to load pics from my home computer.

I'm off for a bit to see the rest of London but please pm me if any of you have news I should not miss out on.
yes we got there just in time for the changing it was amazzzzing. i had to squish my way past people to see lol I took a ton of pics but some didn't come out very well I need to delete but other shots I got are cool.

we also saw little Ben today and downing st
lol you know what's funny??? all day sat, sun and mon I kept seeing Chanel bags on every second gal now that I got mine I don't see so many it was like the bags were talking to me to not give up lol
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