T&Co Valentine's offerings


sans souci
Feb 12, 2007
Has anyone seen the Tiffany's valentine offerings online?? :nuts:

Oh Oh Oh... was drooling for over half an hour and wondering of Husband was generous enough... (he just read the post and laughed... does not bode well for my valentine)

I've always loved Tiffany and I would give my right AND left arm for Dior couture jewellry, but somehow, I end up with Cartier. My last ring was from them (the tank with a diamond solitare) My last Tiffany purchace was an Elsa Peretti heart neclace in sterling silver and I think I was 21.

Any suggestions on what the next T&Co piece I should be drooling at? :love: I also liked the stackable Elsa Peretti rings with the semiprecious stones. From the view I got, they almost looked like cabouchons... am I right?
I've always thought tiffany was really overrated and over-priced.

I think Tiffany has some really, really cute styles. But yeah, their silver esp. is over-priced. But I still love it. Luxury items tend to be over-priced. But I don't think Tiffany is overrated. You're paying for the name and the style. Tiffany is like Louis Vuitton. Sure you can get a knock-off somewhere else for cheaper, but when you have the real thing it's special.
^ I agree. I have earrings that were AUD220 for two small blobs of silver - the same thing at Proud's would have been $10 but everytime I see that box and put the earrings on I feel so happy! You are buying into a name and a tradition more than anything.

As for what you shoudl be drooling opver CooCoo, how about the Tiffany Aria diamond studs?? :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
Aria is to die for!!!

As for the Tiffany silver, yeah, I agree it's a bit much. However after checking out all the gold/platinum/stones at Tiffany's and then your eye wanders over to the silver, it starts to look reasonable to you. That's how I ended up with my little blobby heart.

I love it, but I think my head was already in a whirl from all the pretty precious things!
Cartier vs Tiffany...

Yeah, I guess Cartier would win out... it did with me! LOL but the thing about T&Co is that they have such sweet designs that look more romantic than the modern Cartiers...

But Dior on the other hand... If I could afford it *SIGH*:heart::love::heart: