Surgery booked at Wink (eyes), 1st button (nose) and Vlif (smas and forehead reduction) for August 2023

Hi there,

I am a Vietnamese woman in her 30s from Australia and planning to get a medial and lateral Canthoplasty, rhinoplasty and smas and forehead lift in Korea this august.

Initially I had planned to get everything done at the same clinic but after research, talking to local Koreans and watching some Korean vlogs from YouTubers mincarong and Jooshica(Korean girls with some experience with surgery) I took their advice and decided to go to clinics that specialise in each area. This made me decide on the following clinics that specialise in only one area of the face- Winks (eyes), 1st button (nose) and Vlif (facial lifting and anti ageing procedures)

I selected the following clinics based on their aesthetics and conservative results. I do not want to look like a completely different person but a better version of myself. Also, I appreciated that their before and afters did not have exaggerated editing or excessive marketing to foreigners. Other reasons are outlined below which I listed per clinic

Wink: what sold me was this blogpost I found:
I really liked her results and her description of the clinic compared to others. Also, after inspection of their site, the results were inline with what I am personally after. The doctor also seems conservative and this is important to me as I want to mitigate looking botched in anyway that I can (although I understand it is a risk). Also, I have a preference for tapered eyelids and this clinic specialises in this look. I have a fear of sausage eyelids and do not detect an ounce of that based on the clinic's before and afters.

I contacted the clinic and they responded within a day. They asked me for a photo of my eyes opened and closed and recommended that I get an Epicanthoplasty; both medial and lateral. I already have double eyelids so do not require DES but do have a significant Mongolian fold that covers my inner eyelid and I have a desire of showing more of my eye whites (inner and outer) as I have very round and short eyes.

They quoted me 1.9 million won

1st button: A huge selling point for me is that Dr Kim Tae Hwan is an ENT board certified surgeon. This is important to me because whilst aesthetics is important, I want the function of my nose to be intact cause I like breathing haha. In terms of their results, the before and afters on their site are natural and tbh I like my natural nose. I just want my tip refined because I have a bulbous tip (from the front) and would like my nostrils to be narrowed down.

In terms of consult, I was added into a group chat with the surgeon and an English speaking consultant. They requested I send through photos of my nose (front, 45 degree angle, nostrils and side). I also sent 2 photos of the look I am after and described what I wanted to achieve.

I am waiting for their advice but Ive already set my mind that this is the clinic I want to go to based on my research and their results.

Also, this clinic only does noses!

I will edit in the quoted price once they tell me :smile:

Vlif: I have fluctuated in weight throughout my life and whether that is the reason, or genetics, I have pre jowling despite being in my 30s, also I have quite a lot of bulk in my jaw due to getting fillers throughout the years to try correct and hide the excess fat/ skin and sharpen my jawline. Consequently, this has made my face look bigger than what it actually is. (Sidenote: If you are young, please dont make my mistake and try correct everything with filler because it doesn't dissolve and causes excess bulk to your face) ...In terms of my forehead, I have a slightly larger forehead that is 7cm long from my hairline to my browline that is an insecurity of mine and something I wanted to decrease to achieve a higher 1:1:1 facial ratio.

Initially I just wanted to dissolve my jaw fillers and get a SMAS lift to correct my lower and mid face, as well as a forehead reduction, but after consult via WhatsApp, was suggested that I get a forehead lift at the same time as the reduction as the surgeon noticed from the photos I sent them that I have heavy eyelids due to sagging. This sounded ideal to me so I have decided to go forward with them. - they also said that they do facial liposuction along with the lift for free if I need it (I may not).

In terms of the clinic itself, they seem to have many satisfied clients, natural results and seem quite skilled at hiding incisions. Also, unlike other clinics, their site doesn't use exaggerated models that are edited. This adds to their credibility IMO.

I was quoted 13.2 for the facelift and 8.8 million for the forehead lift and reduction. However, they said if I agree for them to use my photos they will discount me 30%. I said yes cause why not? haha.

Also, with all these surgeries you can get 10% back when you leave Korea which great!


My intention is to stay 3 weeks in Korea total and I anticipate this time to be HECTIC running from clinic to clinic for appointments and check ups. The current plan is to do eyes first, a couple days after- facelift, then a week after the rhinoplasty. 3 weeks should give me enough time to remove the stitches and heal etc.

I welcome you guys to follow along on this journey with me and if anyone is planning surgery in August let me know :smile:
What is the difference between forehead reduction and forehead lift?

Do you know any places that specialise in facial contouring like v line and zygoma reduction?
What is the difference between forehead reduction and forehead lift?

Do you know any places that specialise in facial contouring like v line and zygoma reduction?
Forehead lift is about lifting the excess skin, by doing so you can lift saggy eyelids, forehead lines and your brows back into position, it can also lift your eyelids to an extent too.

Forehead reduction, they lower your hairline to reduce the length of your forehead or to reshape your hairline but it doesn’t change the position of your brows etc.

Sidenote, another option to lower your forehead is also a hair transplant! Both procedures have pros and cons.

It’s not uncommon for people who get forehead reductions to also get a lift during the during the procedure!

I swear everything has a different procedure
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@hanaaaa Yes! I had a similar experience with DA! I thought it was kind of weird. I liked that Wink specialized in eyes so I also feel a bit more comfortable with that :smile: I was thinking of also doing buccal fat removal while in Korea, so this is super helpful information for me. Thank you so much for sharing!
I scheduled facelift and upper and lower bleph at V.Lif… you don’t think they’ll do a good job with eyes?
Hello! I am a kiwi gal who is turning 30 in May and am also planning to Smas and forehead lift at Vlif in September! I have been doing a lot of research and they really seem to be highly recommended when it comes to lifting procedures. My quotes from them were pretty much exactly the same as yours:
Facelift - 13,200,000
Forehead lift (no reduction) - 5,500,000
Lower Bleph - 3,300,000
Fat graft - 2,750,000
But 30% off if you do before and afters that show your eyes

It seems we are looking at a very similar set of procedures! I can't wait to hear about your journey! If you are still there in early Sep we should catch up lol
I also got the same quote so their pricing is pretty consistent. I also really like their customer service. I chatted with them today about the differences btwn their mini and full facelift. I was getting a lot of recommendations for only a mini. They were kind enough to explain their why. I really like this clinic. The only apprehension is that they did not do an in-person consult. Folks changed their recommendations with my face after seeing me. I do not photograph well.
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(I’m just going to add additional snippets that I think of and that can possibly help others when selecting clinics.)

-Just another note about dr Choi at winks and dr Kim hwan, they are very transparent about what they can achieve. There is no over promising!

During an online consult with DA I sent them a picture of eyes that I was after (literally a pair of eyes from an Asian model I’d seen online) and another pic of a nose and without hesitation they said that they could achieve that.

However when doing the same with dr Choi and showing him eyes of that very same model, he told me it was unlikely he would be able to achieve that look and proceeded to explain why- his reasoning was due to my eye starting point and skin. I actually appreciated this honesty and it set my expectations straight.

Dr Kim hwan was the same, and he kindly said he would do what was suitable to my face rather than create a nose of someone else’s. As I’ve mentioned, his style is quite conservative as he tries to maintain natural harmony to enhance one’s natural features, instead of changing them.

I think so many of us really desire surgery to fit certain beauty standards but when we try to fight our features too much, that’s when we realise maybe some things don’t suit us, or aren’t necessarily for the better, but realise this too late. I’ve seen a lot of girls really depressed about their results on PF and personally from my observation, I think a lot of clinics take advantage of ppls insecurities and over promise or set unrealistic standards of what they can achieve which is why girls come out feeling deceived or unhappy with their results.
This exactly. I reached out to 1st button regarding fat grafting to a certain area and they personally actually turned me down saying that fat is good but it's not worth it in that area and might be temporary. I really appreciated their honesty while a lot of clinics were like sure, we can do it! I am still reaching out to them as I know fat will be temporary but it's worth a consult with someone honest as so.
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I also got the same quote so their pricing is pretty consistent. I also really like their customer service. I chatted with them today about the differences btwn their mini and full facelift. I was getting a lot of recommendations for only a mini. They were kind enough to explain their why. I really like this clinic. The only apprehension is that they did not do an in-person consult. Folks changed their recommendations with my face after seeing me. I do not photograph well.
May I ask what are the reasons for a mini face lift? I don’t really know what the differences are.
yes! dr kim suggested this to me but because of my budget i decided against it, in hindsight dont think it would have made much of a difference
Hi.., thanks for get back to me. If you don’t mind me asking why did he suggest donated fascia in your case? How did it turn out at the end without using it? Sorry for so many questions. Lol