Stranger Things [Netflix]


Anyone hear about their intention to go for 4 seasons? Crazy! I was surprised there was even going to be a season 2.
I think I know a little of what you mean. The first season felt complete to me in a lot of ways. Although there were some story threads left hanging it had a beginning middle and end, if the show had been unexpectedly cancelled I would have been disappointed but wouldn't have felt I was left hanging (sorry Barb).

It feels like subsequent seasons might expand like those sequel movies in the 80's and each be an enclosed story... certain details change but the essential structure is kept the same. Which may mean there's a degree of repetition i.e. each season the plucky band of heroes embark on the next quest to protect the town/city/country/world from the next larger/weirder monster.

I think for a genre show you need to deliver the elements/cliches that define a genre show but mix it up enough to make sure your audience doesn't get bored.

A show like Game of Thrones was telegraphs it's long arc story very early on, since the first season you've know that the show is headed for a show down between certain forces/characters and you watch to see how the individual pieces fall into place (that's not the only reason people watch but I think a story with so many different threads is helped by telegraphing the main arc early on). A show like the Walking Dead on the other hand rambles on and on with no discernible resolution in sight and no idea where it's going. Getting attached to a character is a sure sign they're not going to be around for long. The heroes are stuck in one never ending sh*t show and not only that they recycle the same damn themes over and over again with no development or expansion on those themes... what's the point of committing years to a show that has already said all it's going to say in the third season?

With Stranger Things one of the reasons we like it is because it's familiar enough to conjure up feelings of nostalgia but not familiar enough (at this point in time) to breed contempt. The greater the show's exposure the more we are likely to move towards contempt if they don't mix up the formula enough. I think it might be a tricky balance to maintain.

Having said that I can't wait till season 2 and I hope they succeed.
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