***SPOILER*** Tonight's Grey's ***SPOILER***

but WHY do they use "Mc" dreamy, steamy, vet, etc?
How did you come up with the idea of "McDreamy?"
Here's a question I can answer. Patrick Dempsey was on the set shooting the pilot of our show. Every day for fourteen hours a day, Betsy Beers and I sat on set watching him. And we like to add "Mc" to things. McTired, McBossy, McSilly. And there was one phrase we kept saying when looking at Dempsey - McDreamy. The man is McDreamy. He is. Look at him. Just look at him. There isn't another word for that kind of sexy gorgeousness. McDreamy.

from:ABC.com Grey's Anatomy: FAQ
OMG, McSteamy is so steamy!!!!:nuts: I kinda saw it coming... The writter gotta do something to keep Addison at SGH, and voila, they bring McSteamy back to the show. It'll be funny to watch McSteamy and McDreamy working in the same hospital. More dramas to see :love:
Is this hospital the pool for hot docs in America or something?