Speedy 25's "Made in USA"?


Sep 17, 2006
Why are some made in USA and others not. I googled it but only found that it is authentic, which is fine, but I don't want people thinking it's fake. Do the actual LV stores have them made in France, or is that particular style only made in USA?
Why are some made in USA and others not. I googled it but only found that it is authentic, which is fine, but I don't want people thinking it's fake. Do the actual LV stores have them made in France, or is that particular style only made in USA?

There are quite a few threads on this subject, but yes, most of the speedys in the US are made in USA. Though fakers are now faking even the "Made in USA" stamp, the fake "Made in France" still outnumber the "Made in USA."
You can do a thread search under "USA" and alot of threads will pop up on this topic. But made in the USA definately does not mean it's a fake.. there are LV's made in France, Spain, Italy, USA and I think in Germany??
I checked out other threads, but not finding my next question.... if people see 'Made in USA,' will they think it's fake? Do people have that problem?
You'd have to be looking reallllllllllllly closely to see the USA thing. I personally don't care! At least it isn't "made in china"!
Also...when you go into the store you can specifically ask them to look for a "made in france" bag for you.
My Speedy 25 is made in USA
My Batignolles Horizontal is made in Spain

They are both real!!

It shouldn't matter who thinks your bag is fake as long as YOU know it's real.