small black phantom & small black trapeze hunt!


Jul 6, 2009
Hello girls! I could really use some help. I'm on the hunt for a new Celine, but unfortunately this time I can look only online. Do you know any store that carries small black Phantom in grained leather or small black trapeze also in drummed leather? I know these are incredibly hard to find, especially online and I kinda lose hop already...

I'm from Europe, I was wondering, I know Selfridges, Matches etc. are listed as "brick and mortar" shops, so I guess no luck trying to buy from them online? I'm waiting for the pre-order from Department Feminin, but I'm not sure if they appear... Any help is much appreciated! Thank you in advance! :smile:
You can order Celine from Matches. If you look on their website they provide an email address for mystylist. Email mystylist and they will send you a list of the current celine stock they have and will also add you to a waitlist if you are looking for something that they don't have.