Workplace Should I contact the company?

Feb 25, 2012
I’m moving out of state with my boyfriend.

I started applying to jobs out there but haven’t had much luck. I had a video interview with a university lab school and they emailed me 2 hours after saying they decided to go with someone else. It was someone who did her practicum with them.

She said she passed my name along and then offered to send my resume to a school(well call it school C) that was looking for teachers.

It’s the perfect job for me as it allows me time to come home for holidays(first time moving out of state). I told her she could most certainly send my info to school C.

No response from school C or the lab school.

Should I send my info to school C?
Yes. With a cover letter that mentions her. And I am sorry about the first job but good for you to keep going. I’m sure, you’ll find something perfect, as long as you keep going and keep applying.