sex & the city THE MOVIE eiffel tower bag (preview shots)

Hi Roxana!

Do you know Braccialini outside of Italy?
It's the first brand, of high quality, which started to make unusual bag. This designer reminds me Braccialini. But I prefer Braccialini!!!
Hi Roxana!

Do you know Braccialini outside of Italy?
It's the first brand, of high quality, which started to make unusual bag. This designer reminds me Braccialini. But I prefer Braccialini!!!
ehm, no :nogood: never heard of that one actually. I wouldn't rush off to buy a bag that looks like another object myself.. I think a bag should look just like a bag :rolleyes: , preferably a pretty one offcourse! (although when I was little I loved bags that looked like stuffed animals haha!)
But I don't mind watching other people who do like it (SJP in this case..)!
did you guys hear about carrie and maxim???? I was watching TV and some silly show on E said Maxim named her one of the most UNsexy person....yes UNsexy!!!

Well I personally don't find her too attractive either. Especially when I saw that episode where she 'danced' at home in some sort of hidious huge men's underwear :s But she is a lot of fun to watch and her caracter is more human than most barbie dolls in tvshows..

Also, I remember that episode with that hidious bag Big gave her! He probably bought this bag for her as well... LOL :lol:

I saw that, too. I think Maxims is only interested in young women with pneumatic boobs and candybox pretty faces. SJP is reed thin, her face has character, and she is starting to show her age. She is still a perfect fashion mannequin. I wish more movies/television shows would show a variety of people/faces/forms.

Oh, and the bag - well, it's "Carrie Bradshaw". I enjoy her character on SATC - she started out as a young, free-spirited journalist; her style has to reflect that, and be exaggerated to differentiate her from the other women on the show. Now that she is getting older, I wonder how they are going to carry that theme through? I would hate to see her "grow up" and start wearing sedate, boring clothes.
I don't get the whole SATC thing. Come to think of it, I don't get the whole SJP thing. But she does manage to make it work, apart from the bag. It is totally WRONG! How many people can pull off a floral dress in green and pink with a floral jacket thing in a different green and white?

I agree that the shoes are fantastic though.
i know this is old but my friend just ordered the same bag and its really not tht great in ral life reminds me of judith leiber bags

The have that bag in the downstairs boutique of the building i work in - I had no idea how much it costs, but I had seen the small "timmy woods" sign next to it AND I knew the boutique was high end - but $2,500 for that?? really?? It's so small!

I agree that it's more a work of art - and definitely for that price!