Review Reviews and Review Requests!

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Product: L'Oreal Extra Volume Collagen Mascara

Review: This is one of those products that doesn't do anything bad... it just doesn't do anything! My eyes are bothered by most mascaras, but this one is pretty gentle. I bought this because my lashes have seemed a little dry and I thought the collagen might help. It didn't. It goes on nicely (it's not goopy, flaky or smudgy), the container is fine, the brush is fine. BUT it makes my lashes look very blah... and my lashes don't really need that much help to begin with. I guess my biggest gripe is that you'd think something called "Extra Volume" might, well, give you some volume? But it doesn't. It makes my lashes look sort of pathetic and straggly. I'm not impressed!

Price: $6-7

Buy Again: nope

Where to Find: discount stores, drugstores, wherever L'Oreal is sold.

I have had similar experiences with this mascara. (I bought it as soon as it came out expecting something amazing...ha...I'm a fool for advertising.) I was bitterly disappointed. For a while, I wondered if it were just me, but after a couple more uses I relegated it to my "nothing special" pile of mascaras that I'll use when I think I need a more "natural" look.
If a mascara is touting "collagen", I'm not looking for "natural."

I also think the moussey consistency would have worked better with a more comb-like brush...I seem to have trouble just getting this formula on my lashes with a plush wand.
claire i'm the same way! if i'm buying a drugstore product i want/expect it to be cheap. it seems to defeat the purpose of buying something from the drugstore if you're going to be paying $10-20 for it -- i might as well go to MAC then! and thanks for reviewing that Lancome mascara. you know how i am with mascaras so i almost purchased it so many times and now i'm glad i didn't.

oh btw i finally added you to my blog's blogroll - i could've sworn i'd done it but it wasn't there!
Awww thank you!!! :flowers:

I guess I should to stop neglecting my blog then, huh? LOL
^^ LOL definitely! i'll be checking in regularly and will be disappointed if new posts aren't there to greet me :P

although slacking is seriously tempting! some days (most days) i just don't have the energy.
Has anyone tried the new Maybelline vibrating brush mascara called Pulse Perfection? Its only $15 (compared to the $40 I've seen for some high end ones).

Maybelline New York: Whats New: Pulse Perfection

I'll be making my way to Tar-jay this week to pick up some.

I bought it today at Walgreens for about $13 so I will be reviewing it tomorrow. Since Lancome's version of this was $40, I'm excited to try this for considerably less. :P
I wanted to let you know that I purchased the Mabelline vibrating mascara and it is to die for. My lashes now touch my eyebrows! It is pretty amazing. I am a huge max factor mascara fan, and since it is leaving the US I been looking for other drugstore alt's.
I think this vibrating one is worth it. You do have to be a little careful, because it can clump on the ends a bit.
And also when I put on my sunglasses, I thought they were bent cuz my eyelashes were rubbing on the lenses! Lol
Product: Maybelline Pulse Perfection (vibrating brush mascara)
Maybelline New York: Whats New: Pulse Perfection

Review: Since I refuse to pay $40 for Lancome's vibrating mascara, I couldn't wait to try this! This product does deliver thicker and longer lashes. You do have to use this "slowly" and you must start at the base of your lashes, which is what the instructions tell you. My eyes did have to get use to the vibrations - the first time I used it, it made them water. lol But the second time, nothing happened.

Overall I love it. So much that I think I will have a "mascara battle" between this and my HG Lash Blast.

Price: $12.99 @ Walgreens (They had a dollar off coupon so I really paif $11.99).

Buy Again: Yes!
You mean from Motives Cosmetics? Great! I'll look out for your reviews!

yup! i can't wait to try them :nuts:

I wanted to let you know that I purchased the Mabelline vibrating mascara and it is to die for. My lashes now touch my eyebrows! It is pretty amazing. I am a huge max factor mascara fan, and since it is leaving the US I been looking for other drugstore alt's.
I think this vibrating one is worth it. You do have to be a little careful, because it can clump on the ends a bit.
And also when I put on my sunglasses, I thought they were bent cuz my eyelashes were rubbing on the lenses! Lol

i've managed to hold out for this long but this post is going to make it even harder for me to pass this over the next time i see the display at walgreens. a girl can only hold out for so long!

Any reviews on UD's new face primer potion? Or their Ink liner?
I want to get them...

if nobody beats me to it i'll review the face primer for you within the next day or so :P
Maybelline Vibrating Mascara

I had serious doubts since I am a Diorshow addict, but this Maybelline works! My lashes are definately longer, I did one eye in diorshow and one in the maybelline. Very obvious difference in the length. The vibrating wand didn't bother me at all, just placed it like it says, at the lash line and slowly stroked upward. My Walgreens had it for $14.99. Give it 5 stars!!
Product: It's a 10 Miracle Hair Mask and Miracle Leave-In Conditioner

Review: Absolutely fabulous! Background, I have chemically relaxed, coarse hair. My hair is naturally VERY tightly curled. I was/am having some issues with breakage(a lot) and elasticity (none). I've tried all kinds of conditioners, shampoos, stylers, protectants and treatments in the last few years and had minimal to moderate satisfaction with them all.

After one use, my hair is shiny, soft, the ends aren't crunchy looking or feeling and the split ends/breakage are sealed over looking. I left the mask on for 4-5 minutes before rinsing and applied the leave-in while my hair was still very wet. I let my hair air dry as I always do since I began relaxing and flatironed this morning. It left my hair clean feeling, no gunk and no greasiness. I am seriously impressed with this stuff.

Be warned, it is heavily fragranced (think fabric softnerish scent) and will probably cause build-up the hair due to the 'cones and various oils listed in the ingredients of both products. The smell doesn't bother me and I can deal with the build-up for finally finding my HG hair treatments.

Price: $35 from Amazon (bought in set)

Buy Again: YES! :yahoo:
Wen conditioning shampoo-Almond mint

I saw the infomercial and got a bottle off eBay. When you pump it into your hands, it's really thick/rich feeling, but as soon as I put it in my hair, it just disappeared! So, even though it seems like 16 pumps (minimum) is a lot, it really just disappeared into my hair. It rinses off my hands really easily, but it did lengthen my showering time rinsing it out of my hair. My hair rinsed pretty clean, but it took awhile. I really don't linger in the shower and I only wash my hair in the mornings, so I'm now keeping it in as long as you're supposed to, and I don't put an extra pump in as a leave-in conditioner. Even then, I think my hair looks amazing! My hair is medium thickness, and straight. It's fairly healthy to begin with, but I wash and blow dry everyday, so it gets dry. Tomorrow, I'll try putting in the extra pump as a leave-in and see how it feels, but so far, I really love this stuff!
I tried samples of the no Frizz by Living Proof at Sephora before trying the Wen. I had a sample of the shampoo and the Straight Making Styling Treatment for Medium to Thick hair. I really wanted to like this cause the info on it made it sound wonderful! But, it left my hair very greasy by the end of the day. I was surprised since it claims that it repels dirt/oil so you won't need to wash as often, but this was totally not the case with me. My hair did feel nice, but my crown was pretty greasy by evening.
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