Repair Woes (Bosphore PM + Abbesses)


Apr 5, 2008
So, I have had my Bosphore retrimmed because of premature wear at the joining points. Everything looks great except for they mis-stitched the very bottom and now there is a pin hole in the cowhide and the stitching continues above it and it looks messy and is not centred.


My Abbesses had the plastic piece in the bottom of the bag protrude forward so that it would poke the canvas in the front. They 'fixed' that, but now the plastic piece in the bag is misshapen. The top red line is where the plastic poked forward making the canvas stick out, they put it back where it was supposed to be and cut some of it apparently, now it feels like the red outline when you run your fingers along the edge.


I don't know if I am being picky or if the quality of the LV repair is not up to par?

Please post honest thoughts.

ohh no this scares me, they are repairing my tivoli gm right now :tdown:

i would take that sucker back just for the piping problem. that is not ok. its so annoying because it takes them SO long to fix these things and then it comes back defective?!?!

Took them both back and now I have to wait another 2 months. Oh well.

Anyways, the Abesses is supposed to have a piece of plastic in between the lining and the canvas stick out a touch, so I want them to put it back to how it should be.

We'll see what happens.