Quilted Vuitton makes its eBay debut !


nyan nyan percent
Oct 19, 2005
So we've all ooh and ahhed (or eww-ed) over the pictures on Vuitton.com, here it is on eBay.

What do you think ?


i agree with everyone else the zipper is out of place which is a major design flaw, (i studied this last week so i know it sound bad but its true) it ruins the balance in the bag if you notice almost every other feature on the bag is identically symetical excluding this big zipper, a design needs an element of balance to be a succesful design, (u can achieve asymetrical balence btw but it doesnt work in this case sorry) the only thing i can think of is if a zipper or something of similar size is place on the reverse of the desgin to create this balance
mello_yello_jen said:
hmmm.... I think there's too much going on. Though I imagine a simple little piece would be cute.

Thanks for the link Ayla, I didnt even notice this line!

It's not my favourite, so I don't think you're missing out on too much ! :lol: