Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

For the ones on the way to the supermarket, don't be surprised by the headlines. :no:

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Neil Sean, based on his contacts, reported the meeting was actually 13 1/2 minutes and was with Hazbeen only. TW was relegated to seating outside and kept in place with tea and snacks (he used a more elegant word). Allegedly they were late to arrive and it cut into the time with Charles as well. He was due to represent the Queen and he and Camilla had to leave to be on time.

As Neil pointed out that short amount of time hardly seems long enough for all Harry claimed transpired.

Edited to add: looks like a US tabloid is changing its tune about Baldie and Botox.
Neil Sean, based on his contacts, reported the meeting was actually 13 1/2 minutes and was with Hazbeen only. TW was relegated to seating outside and kept in place with tea and snacks (he used a more elegant word). Allegedly they were late to arrive and it cut into the time with Charles as well. He was due to represent the Queen and he and Camilla had to leave to be on time.

As Neil pointed out that short amount of time hardly seems long enough for all Harry claimed transpired.

Edited to add: looks like a US tabloid is changing its tune about Baldie and Botox.
I did'n see your post on NS, and posted the video. It's unbelievable how they (allegedly) lie and use others to get whatever they want. I feel particularly sorry for Charles and TM.
If the rumors are true, I am talking about all of the rumors - good and bad - if true, then why would KP/BP/QE/Charles/William, why would they “give” Hazzi Invictus? Surely they knew a program dedicated to wounded warriors would require a very public role which is the one thing Hazzie dislikes. Plus, it gives a microphone to spew his venom. Of course, the ego-maniac stuck in jr high would jump at the chance for this much attention. He craves it. Surely, they know that. Really, they should explain themselves. Imo.
I think they don’t want to take it off him given it’s well-publicised it was his idea. Statistically it’ll just fall into irrelevance in time anyway as fewer and fewer people are being recruited into the British military as fighting a war is becoming far less dependent on foot soldiers.
My more controversial opinion is that all these military appointments the royals give themselves are a complete joke anyway as none of them have spent any significant amount of time in service. I like Anne but when was she (or Harry before her) in the navy? Surely it’s more to be celebrated when these jobs should go to vaguely qualified people not just people with special blood.
For the ones on the way to the supermarket, don't be surprised by the headlines. :no:

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Lord this photoshopping is hilarious. The grin on the queen is the most ridiculous though. Doctored? More like an entire hospital :lol:
If Meghan was made to wait elsewhere, with a minder I’m sure, whilst Harry saw The Queen, I wonder why she tagged along in the first place. Clearly this was not expected. It was also insulting to her. Wonder if we will hear whining and complaining about it. Surprised she didn’t throw tea cups and smear cake on the walls.

With the meeting being so short I am inclined to believe that the one with Charles was for him to deliver bad news to Harry and the subsequent meeting with TQ was to confirm whatever Charles told him. If not it had to be the most cursory hello and goodbye on record.
Oh my, that's only an hour away from me and even closer to my workplace. I might just go on vacation if Raptor shows up to be a VVIP. But there's always hope they'll have imploded and be divorced by next year.
You can pull through, they were staying in a hotel on my way to work and I'm fairly certain I was stopped for their motorcade last Tuesday when cycling back home hahaha