Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

@gracekelly, thanks for posting Trevor Phillips's article. I enjoyed reading it.

Though, I believe that initially many people wanted H&M to succeed. Things changed when their phony and opportunistic behaviors became very obvious.

I also think that MM&H would love to see Will out. I feel sorry for Will, he seems to have a sense of duty like QE. The BRF needs to reassess the situation with MM&H and change their strategy before it gets too late. The upcoming new book might not help the already complicated situation:

'As dangerous as the Abdication': Prince Harry and William's breach is WORSE than anyone thinks (and started EARLIER), claims biographer behind new book laying bare devastating inside story - as he says Meghan was handled 'appallingly'

‘What you’ve got to realise is that the whole strategy of the monarchy was based on them sticking together. Meghan changed all that. She is difficult. She has an incredible and dangerous level of self-belief.

I agree with this : "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as depicted in the book, are self-pitying, and assume an astonishing level of entitlement."

Cited article is an excellent summary of the points against JCMH

Not a balanced account, but in tandem with Omid’s version, does detail the whole affair
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Excellent summary of yesterday’s word stew:
There is more stuttering, as he claims to have had an awakening because he didn’t know of these issues. We all knew Harry was dim, but now he’s admitting it because he can read a newspaper, and watch the news like the rest of us, and if we can be informed (because we choose to be) then so can he. It was obvious he didn’t care, and all he thought about was having a good time, and didn’t bother with anything else. Now he has to look as if he cares, because he needs funding from these charities and causes for his wallet.
Excellent summary of yesterday’s word stew:
There is more stuttering, as he claims to have had an awakening because he didn’t know of these issues. We all knew Harry was dim, but now he’s admitting it because he can read a newspaper, and watch the news like the rest of us, and if we can be informed (because we choose to be) then so can he. It was obvious he didn’t care, and all he thought about was having a good time, and didn’t bother with anything else. Now he has to look as if he cares, because he needs funding from these charities and causes for his wallet.

Okay, I figured I'd give it a go and try and listen to their drivel. Didn't get to far before I couldn't listen further. I will say this though to Mr Woke JKMH, a word to the wise when being proud of your wokeness. When referring to young black men the term for the female would be not be young black girls but it would be young black women. Maybe you need to take your Woke 101 class again.
Okay, I figured I'd give it a go and try and listen to their drivel. Didn't get to far before I couldn't listen further. I will say this though to Mr Woke JKMH, a word to the wise when being proud of your wokeness. When referring to young black men the term for the female would be not be young black girls but it would be young black women. Maybe you need to take your Woke 101 class again.

Oh Harry.
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That's a really unfair thing to say. What I am TALKING about I seeing yourself reflected in culture, even pop culture, moments that women of color don't usually see.

Indeed visually, by dint of her skin colour, she represents something. However, were she mixed southeast Asian (as me) I would not consider her representing my 'culture'. M has more in common with Kate Middleton in terms of how she was raised (private education, the right social circles, extracurricular lessons, trips abroad, etc) than the common southeast Asian. Broad brush here for the world 'culture' but mimicking yours.
Not going??? Thought they were going and looking forward to it. Hmmmm.

However, one thing is certain: Wherever the queen spends Christmas, she won’t be joined by her grandson Prince Harry and his family, who have told friends they are “not ready” to head back to the U.K. for a festive family reunion.

According to a source close to the duke, Harry and Meghan have no plans to return to the U.K. in December, meaning they will miss a royal Christmas for the second year running.
Not going??? Thought they were going and looking forward to it. Hmmmm.

However, one thing is certain: Wherever the queen spends Christmas, she won’t be joined by her grandson Prince Harry and his family, who have told friends they are “not ready” to head back to the U.K. for a festive family reunion.

According to a source close to the duke, Harry and Meghan have no plans to return to the U.K. in December, meaning they will miss a royal Christmas for the second year running.
Is it possible they were told in no uncertain terms to stay away, so they are telling their so-called friends that it is their wishes to stay home?:yes::yes:
Blind Gossip

Yeah, YouTube still posts the video. Once a z lister...the comments are hilarious

ETA: swooning over these sophisticated TPF tools :heart:

Thanks for the video! I felt a little embarrassed for her. She was trying so hard to be sexy (and failed IMO), just like how she's trying so hard to be "humanitarian" and "woke" now.
Thanks for flagging Robert Lacey and hus new book - this one is the one I'd follow the serial of.
I wonder if the author is behind the Harry Markle website.

This book I might actually consider getting because Lacey has a reputation for doing his research and used to be an investigative journalist...even though I don't agree with him saying the BRF should have given Meghan more. Who is she to always expect the extra goodies?
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