Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

Wow. What a bunch of cringeworthy get-ups. Horrible.
All she has to do is subscribe to the Royal Style thread here on PF and get some ideas.
Except for the white suit all her outfits are completely wrong. She is not in Malibu. Gack.

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One of these is not like the others.... Can you spot the interloper?
She has a snake hanging on the side of her head.

The kids of Nigeria have zero interest in these 2 fools, I love it :lol:
Seeing this video makes me repeat what everyone has already said- It's just unbelievable how inappropriate that dress she wore to visit the school was, especially seeing the kids dressed conservatively in their school uniforms, some even wearing headscarf it's just... ugh- RUDE. Rocking up in a backless dress, with barely any side-boob coverage, thin material and a hemline which drags on the floor. It's so disrespectful to the country you are a guest in and the local people you are meeting. She's a disgrace.
It’s pretty obvious that all the women are pretty covered up. Long sleeves, no plunging necklines, no slits in the skirts, nothing backless or strapless, and they’re all wearing long dresses with hems that don’t drag on the floor. What must they think of TW so disrespectfully flashing all that skin with backless/strapless/spaghetti strap tops worn with no bras, and skirts slit so she can show her chicken legs. It’s also odd that she chose to wear a suit amidst a sea of women wearing long dresses. The white strapless gown is so wrinkled at the waist, it makes me wonder if her top is slipping down. Every time I think she can’t do worse, she manages to hit a new low fashion wise.
And the local ladies all have head coverings to hide their hair (modesty) rather than blow away tresses.
She had breast augmentation when she was one of the suitcase girls on the game show but had the implants removed after. So when she lost all the weight recently, her natural boobs disappeared too.
When I had my #1 kid, I read that some women who had had boob jobs were unable to breastfeed because the operation cut across their milk ducts. Kind of popped into my mind because it would have given Lolo one more opportunity to wail.
Wow. What a bunch of cringeworthy get-ups. Horrible.
All she has to do is subscribe to the Royal Style thread here on PF and get some ideas.
Except for the white suit all her outfits are completely wrong. She is not in Malibu. Gack.

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One of these is not like the others.... Can you spot the interloper?
Stick out like a sore thumb is her fashion style.
Love those traditional costumes. I have a very old dress pattern (McCall's?) for sewing this. How that ended up in a Singapore haberdashery, I have no clue.
Maybe it was a padded bra and she never did have much boob? An androgynous look would go with the rumours that Hazzi likes them with a Y chromosome.
I don't think it says Charities, it says Invictus.
That word was so badly written that I couldn't decipher it.
This beige color dress would be great for a SoCal farmer's market and no one in the town where I lived would have given it a second look, except for the way she's dragging the hem around.
She wants to be stared at.

Unintentionally funny: when I read this, it said "You can tell by the way she acts toward others she considers beneath her; talks ad nauseam in front of anyone and by the way she dresses,… Show more"

If she showed any more, they would have to drape the curtain over her.
Allegedly, of course

Lolo told her to curtsey? No, I don't believe that. It was that harried assistant who was encouraging the schoolgirls to wave.
The eyes...

My first impression was ... lumpy.
What a missed opportunity - Nigeria has some truly great designers and given Meghan’s rather high number of outfit changes every day and the press coverage she receives, she really could have put some of these designers on the map. I LOVE this dress from Lisa Folawiyo, as an example.

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I love love love this dress. Hmm, I remember a Hermes scarf in a similar colour scheme. Will buy that instead since I don't have the figure to wear this gorgeous dress :hbeat: