Plump Up The Volume - Anyone Had/Want Their Lips Enlarged?

shop!!! Sounds like it went really well (apart from that whole forgoing-the-anaesthetic thing, ya bloody maniac!) - you sound like you're thrilled with the results. I can't wait to see them!
You are a BRAVE woman!! I could NEVER get my lips done with out the meds...UGH! I even take a tiny valium before I go in! (from my Dr.) I HATE the entire process!!! However, I LOVE the results. So, I put on my big girl pants and do it every few months. It really hurts like a *****, but again...I just love the look...Cant wait to see your pics!
My lips are fine but I tell you if they were not I would never have this done, I am a huge coward & would never stand the pain!
Good luck to anyone who can do this!
OK I'm back and bigger than ever! Haha well in the lip department anyway. I ended up going with the .8ml Juvaderm and think it was just the right amount to make my once barely there top lip noticeable without being enormous. I asked for a tiny amount to be injected into my bottom lip in the middle to smooth out those pesky fine lines and it did the job nicely. I thought I'd be all brave and forego the anaesthetic... IDIOT... and a very sore one I can tell you. In total I had over 20 injections and almost passed out on more than one occasion, but got through it in the end and am really happy with the outcome. I'll definitely be back for more when my puckers lose their plumpness (though I'll insist on an anaesthetic next time!).


Your lips look great!!! I am interested in doing this. How much did it cost you if you don't mind me asking?

Also, I have a little bit of a 'gummy' smile...does anyone think that enlarging my top lip will help lessen the appearance of my gums when I smile big?
You are really beautiful just the way you are. You have an illuminating smile, beautiful teeth, and pure natural beauty!! If I could only convince you not to do this to yourself :sad:

That airbed effect does not look good at all. It looks very unnatural.

oo0ehxtahcee0oo - We've already talked about this and agreed that when I smile my top lip disappears and takes refuge in my mouth but here's the proof for anyone else who argues my top lip is fine just as it is. :P


Hmmm... where did it go? :shrugs: :thinking: