Please recommend a good powder brush

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if u are looking to invest, i love the ones from shu umura or bobbi brown. made from real pony hair etc.

if u want something moreaffordable (read: synthetic), sephora will work or duane reade has a line of brushes by sicara and they work for me too.

i love brushes!! =)
I am using bare mineral loose powder foundation. Pleas recomend a good brush. Thanks you.

Hands down, Benefit's Buff Puff. It's a smallish kabuki brush. I've had mine about a year now, and use it every day. I have a massive makeup brush collection, but it's still the only one I reach for.

I also use Bare Minerals powder foundation, and the Buff Puff is a perfect application brush.
I've been using like the same 5 MAC brushes for 7 years- Make the investment in good brushes and they will last you for a nice, long time. Also, MAC makes this oversized soft fabric round that is great for finishing- which reminds me, I need to get a new one of those!
I have Mac brushes from 12 years ago unfortunately the ones made today are no where near the quality from years ago. I just bought new brushes and went with Paul Dorf, not as expensive as Shu but I think way better quality than Mac. HTH
i have the MAC and the Chanel set of brushes. even though the chanel ones cost more and looks prettier, i have to admit that i mainly use the MAC ones. heard the shu umera ones are good too.
I like Chanel brushes. They are pricey but they are so much softer than the BE brushes. I use the powder brush for the mineral foundation. Chanel also has a version of the kabuki brush that is used for blushes. I use that for BE warmth and whatever blush I want. Good luck!

I use MAC brushes for eyeshadow and eyelining. I think they are a great value.
I love Smashbox brushes, they are so soft but my best powder brush is made from Sephora and its called the bronzer brush. Its very similar to the Kabuki brush from Bare.
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