Outlets and eBay and Bonazle, oh my! The growing collection of michellejy.

hooray michelle!
we're croc-maggie siblings! (mine blue!)
don't u love the nasty look?
my hubby told me not to put that croc maggie in the same cabinet as the other bags because it will eat the others alive! ahahhaha..
i took the croc maggie twice since i got it and i have to say that i can still feel the weight of this xena-warrior-princess bag on my shoulder!
I saw your modeling pics of the blue one. They are so gorgeous, and all of the compartments are great with little ones. I put their stuff in one part and mine in the rest. :biggrin:

I can't wait to take her out.
oh indeed u're gonna love it...
i used it last saturday while going to dinner at a friend's place and put the baby diaper and wet tissue in one of the compartment, my stuffs in the centre and big brother transformers robots in the other side.. it's super organized!
^Uh...YEAH! :nuts: As much as I love my Zoe's, I'd give up all of mine if I could have the Croc Maggie! :yes: :girlsigh: Last I heard it was sold out, but I guess not if you were able to get it recently? :shrugs:
I was kicking myself because I traded in silver (which I'd considered getting rid of anyway because of the metallic finish), parchment (which I loved, but it still had the tags so I knew I could live without it), and my crimson. The crimson was hard to let go of, but I bought it at $207, and then the price was down in the $150s last week. I thought I would exchange it for the croc and then pick it up again at the outlets for a cheaper price. Of course, they RAISED THE DARN PRICE again!!!
Yeah the Zoe prices are insane. Up and down, up and down. I got mine when they were 259 less 30% then less 20% coupon. So you were able to order the Croc Maggie without any issues...not sold out? :thinking:
It was actually in the store, and it was the last one they had. The SA said they put it out earlier that day, and two different SAs looked it over to make sure nothing was wrong with it before they sold it to me. They were so sweet. I was definitely a bit hesitant about taking one from the floor, but they said the stock at JAX was so low they couldn't promise I'd get one. (Of course, we all know that can change pretty much by the minute.)