Food Organizing recipes - suggestions wanted!!

^^^ cool.
I am a three-ring-binder/plastic sheet protector person, too.
I also keep sample "weekly" menus in the front so that if I'm feeling lazy I can just pull out a menu and make a grocery list from that.
(But for the sake of full disclosure - I'm not organized enough to follow a full week's worth of meals. Usually it's take-out or eat-out by Thursday!)
I have a 3 ring binder with plastic sheet covers, which is dived up into drinks, desserts, appetizers, etc- within each section, I just keep them alphabetical. It's great because it's easy to find everything, and when you want to make something, you just pull out the sheet cover with the recipe in it- and the plastic pages never get messed up- if you spill something one it, you just wipe it off.

I do the same thing. :tup: Also, I print my favorite recipies from my cookbooks, that way everything is together in one spot.
My Mom gave me a large 3-ring binder type of thing with pockets designed to hold recipe clippings, etc. So cute! But for me I need a more compact recipe holder, so I tend to either handwrite (I know old school) or clip and tape recipes onto 3 x 5" note cards and file them in a cool stainless steel recipe box.

Me too! Mine fell apart and I am so sad :crybaby:

I think I'm going to type up all my recipes and make them into a real book with laminated pages and binding. I have all the stuff to do it at work so it's very tempting :graucho: