opinions needed please

Feb 17, 2007
So, I am really wanting a balenciaga bag. I have a blue twiggy from several years ago. I wanted the dark purple, but, really can't find much to choose from..too late. So, then I thought well, amytheist. Can find a couple of styles there. So, he's my question. The bags that I can find in that color are the pom pon (?) bag, the day hobo, a city and a brief. What would you choose? I am a casual dresser, and about 5'8". Thanks so much for your help!
I think you might like the Day! I wouldn't say that it's any more casual than the other styles... but it is very effortless and easy to wear. You can just swing it on your shoulder and you're set, you don't have to worry. It stays in place very comfortably!
Thank you to everyone. I appreciate your help. I got a call, a couple of hours ago. A SA that I had spoken to earlier, was able to locate a giant brief in the dark purple from this fall. And, so I think I'll go ahead with the dark pink day.

Oops! Should have said work, not brief. (That's the big one without the shoulder strap, isn't it?)
the day would be my first choice, then the city. The day is just so comfy and easy to use, light as a feather!

this is making me want a DAY.....will have to look at pix .....has anyone seen a day avail anywhere in amethys

meantime your choices of the purple and pink are great ! enjoy you will love them