One double eyelid and one monolid

Lulz said:
That gives me a bit of reassurance. My aunt also said she had the same problem. However, this is very noticeable for me if I wear contacts, but not when i wear glasses. Either way, I still don't like to look people in the eyes like fre3myself because I feel self conscious. Was it noticeable for you up to that point?

I had the same thing when I was younger but outgrew that when I was about 21. It ws noticeable in pics but it didn't bother me - to me it didn't matter at all.
I had the same thing when I was younger but outgrew that when I was about 21. It ws noticeable in pics but it didn't bother me - to me it didn't matter at all.

Just wondering, is it noticeable in general? I don't think I would mind as much if it was only noticeable in pictures, but mine is noticeable is almost immediately noticeable and even worse in pictures if I wear contacts.
I had the same problem and in my twenties, they just sort of even-ed themselves out. It never really bothered me - I was more bothered by my zits haha. So take heart. But if you really must, the tape trick does work and if you do it long enough, the crease does stay.
Thanks for the reassurance everyone, I'll try to just wait it out and try some tape. I'll wait till i'm done uni before I consider surgery if it doesn't fix itself, haha.
I have a fake eye. So naturally that size is shaped cmpletely different. I hate it. So I know how you feel with the self consciousness. You jut have to embrace and love yourself. It takes a lot of work an playing with the makeup to make it look natural. Just never give up. It took me several years to learn how to apply eyeliner an not be able to see. And I've watched a lot of YouTube videos where girls make one eye look bigger. That helped. Love your eyes gorl. They make you unique not everyone can be cool like us ;)
I just wanted to add that I struggled with this issue when I was younger. I never really felt self conscious about it until my teen years. Then when I met my first boyfriend, I wanted to make a change. My mother had eyelid tape, and I began to use it. I used it every day, all day for months, and then one day, I noticed it held its double lid shape on its own! No more tape! So this does work, naturally, without surgery. You just have to be patient and willing to go around with this tape shaping your lid for a while. But the rewards are worth it. 25 years later and I still have two perfect double eyelids!
Hi, what type of monolid did you all have? Was it hooded, like you had a fold underneath the extra skin and fat, and the fat went away when you got older resulting in a crease? Or was it like flat like the picture of the monolid on the first page? Also, did it change to a tapered or parallel crease? I have hooded monolids, but the left one has turned into a tapered crease. I try to make my right one a crease as well with tape, but I find that I have more fat or droopier skin on that eyelid so it always ends up smaller. I find that with hooded eyelids or eyelids with lots of fat, it's very hard to create a parallel crease because the fat always cushions the fold.
I was born with single eyelids on both eyes. Then my right eye changed to a double eyelid when I was 11. I was hoping my left eye would change for a while but it didn't. Then recently I tried this new trick and my left eye got a double eyelid and it has not been like that for the past year!

What new trick?

Well i posted on this thread a while ago...and now I have reverted from two natural double lids to one double lid one monolid. SIGH