Ok could these be the best?: View, JK, ASPS and Dasipium?


Apr 12, 2024
I've been doing a bunch of research on here, Realself, Google and on clinic websites and it seems to me these might be some of the best clinics. I am considering a lower bleph and SMAS facelift so that has probably influenced my choices. There are a lot of people speaking pretty highly on here about these clinics while other things said and blacklists have helped me weed out others.

There's not a ton of info on Dasipium but one woman reported her experience there as 'very satisfied', and quite a few other people are saying good things too. It's hard to come by good information though. Their website doesn't have much English, can't be translated by Chrome and it doesn't even have that much information.

I was considering VLIF for awhile. The B&A photos on Realself looked pretty good for Dr Shim. But there are more than a few people on here who are saying facelifts there unfortunately often rebound at least partially after 6 months.

There was also information that VLIF does not prescribe anti-swelling prednisone which sounds very helpful in preventing the skin from re-stretching. Maybe no clinics actually do prescribe it and so I plan to secure some ahead of surgery. Any thoughts on this?

While VLIF is said to do a great job in stitching and making the least noticeable scars, I'm a little concerned by scar reports from ASPS and JK. What do you think?

JW was also very well represented on Realself so I'm also considering it. They say they use unique techniques there. For lower bleph, the doctor, Hong Lim Choi says he will often use a combination of blepharoplasty and mid-face lift to smooth over from the cheek to the lower eye socket. The B&A pics on Realself look pretty good. They even have a novel SMAS facelift technique apparently.

Specific doctors at the clinics which are apparently highly regarded for either bleph or facelift:

View: Dr Kim So Young, maybe Dr. Cho
JK: Dr Paik, Dr Dahye
ASPS: Dr Lee Min Koo?
Dasipium: Dr Kwak
JW: Dr Hong Lim Choi, Dr. Kang

I have also been in communication with Seoul Guide Medical and DocFinder. Seoul Guide Medical recommended 4 clinics for me, one of which is View. DocFinder also recommended 4, but they won't reveal who they are.

Some remaining questions I have are,

1) Do you agree with this list? Any you might criticize or any you might add?

2) Which of these clinics might be better for undereye and which might be better for facelifts?

3) Some of the B&A pics have caucasian women and some have Asian men but I can't find caucasian men, which I am. Should I be concerned or should I find a better one for caucasian men?