Scarves Ode to the Cashmere/Silk GM/Tri Shawls

If you can visit a boutique I think there’s no substitute for trying each style on to see how they feel. @GabrielleS is correct, in some respects it depends on how you think you’ll use them. Do you live in a tropical clime and expect to wear them primarily indoors or are you in the tundra and trying to look more stylish in your Patagonia fleece? Some wearers find the bulk of the 140 to be overkill, others love the cozy feel; an in person assessment really helps. If a boutique visit is inconvenient you can always order a few selections online and return whatever doesn’t make the cut.
I am almost the same height, but not one's definition of petite. I wear both formats. I found the shawls I need when it is 35 degrees or below, as opposed to the triangles, stoles, and pms. I wear the them when I just need something around my neck due to the cold and wind. I do not wear them indoors, or into air conditioning in the summer months, I am strictly an October to April wearer depending on the temps and wind factor. HTH