No one has the paddy hobo??

So I posted a thread for hobo owners for input and no one answered....what do you all think about it? is it just not a popular bag? did some of you think about it but didn't end up buying for some reason?
I have this bag and I think the lock does lay nicely. I wear it on my shoulder and I like it a lot. I think it weighs the same as the hand held paddy. it's nice because if you already have the hand held paddy, then a shoulder paddy is a cool change
Depending on which hobo (n/s or e/w) they actually are a bit heavier than a regular paddy. I had an east/west hobo in chocolate (sorry Annabelle!) and it was about 1/2 pound heavier than the satchel. I had issues with the way the lock layed unless I fussed a bunch, it slipped off my shoulder easily and it was kind of bulky - perhaps the n/s hobo lays easier against the body. Still it was the most GORGEOUS bag I have ever seen - I just decided not to keep it. I really like the looks of the new style hobo too, and maybe the issues have been solved!