New Year Resolution


bag greed bug
Jun 4, 2006
ok, i'm going to start with mine

• i will fix my work ethic by being more on time and fully concentrated on each job
• i will have a happier mood and not being a cranky baby anymore to my bf
• i will save more money and shop less :P
• i will visit or call my parents more often
Call my family in Ohio more often. My Grandfather is going to be 93 next year, and I really need to call him more often before I regret it!

Become more active. I would love to start hiking.

Stop being so materialistic!

Be more sympathetic, I am horrible about not caring about other peoples feelings.

Now the ultimate New Years resolution: Stick to my New Years resolutions!
-save more.
-get better grades.
-finish my projects i start.
-become more patient. (ive been having this as my resolution for years. getting better and better every year!)
-be more active!
-and like Val, keep to my resolutions!
  • Start exercising (again!) and this time, STICK WITH IT
  • Have more patience and not sweat the small stuff
  • Call my parents and in-laws more often
  • Curb impulse buying
- Spend Less
- Spend less time in Dubai (I dont travel back to California/Scotland as often as I should)
- Become a better cook
- Keep my closet more organised
- After my wedding in Jine, hopefully try for a baby (:

And actually stick to them lol!
I would like to:
- Be more social.
- Fight hard to get A's in all my classes every semester.
- Start eating healthier foods.
- Set up a realistic workout schedule I can actually keep up with.
- Pay off my credit card.
- Be on time to work.
- Be a happier person.
- Stop questioning everyone's intentions and just learn to have fun.

... More resolutions to come... LOL!
I will

* Go back to the gym and go regularly
* Track all my food eaten in fitday
* Worry less about the small things
* Save more $
* Be more thankful for the good things I have
* Be more tolerant of others.
These are excellent resolutions! Have you ever taken either before? If not, please stick with it. The hardest part is getting through the first six months. Good luck!:tup:

i sign up for one or the other most years.....but then something comes up (my work schedule changes, there's a family emergency, etc). i'm willing 2008 to be a stable year. i'm excited to try again. :biggrin: