Need help finding a balenciaga ink!

if price is important to you, i think holding out and waiting on ebay is probably the best decision...i've seen several come and go for around $1200. there's a huge markup on diabro with the twiggies, at least IMO.
keep checking eBay...they pop up from time to time. You might also call around to NM and Barneys...they may still have 1 or 2.

BTW, Ink was produced before the Part-time style was introduced. No worries, I think Ink looks fab in either the City or Twiggy!

Good luck!
Please remember ladies, there is no discussion of ebay permitted in the Bal forum for right now. So please refrain from asking, or discussing, ebay listings. You may discuss/post if you have seen this particular bag in a store or etailer, but that is all that is permitted. Thank you!