Name of Color for Trophy Satchel

Editing second paper. I took a break to read not post but...Kamikaze post for the sake of clarifyication.

I checked my notes from the fashion show. I have it down as Lilac Shine for the Biblio and Trophy. The other color is listed as Plum. I had written Iris Shine might be better, with a question mark next to it without any further notes. But I was taking notes of everything including my communication with members of the design team as well as Toni.

Let me go on the record for the sake of transparency. Although it was chaotic and I'd arrived late and wanted to get everything down, I hang my head in shame; it was probably my musings. If this had been a more "scientific" study I would have probably nailed down the exact color and texture. I apologize.

IDKY Lilac Shine was transformed into Iris Shine. Lost in Translation? Transposed flowers? Nevertheless, it was done...mea culpa.

It was probably due to my mental gymnastics. Real McCoy was my messenger..who helped me a great deal by posting the photos...she was not responsible for the shoot me..not the messenger.

What's in a name? A Lilac does smell sweeter than an Iris..

and yet..I just took a look at the notes I took when I was speaking to the design team..along with Thorn, Butter, Poppy, Taupe, Grey Shine I also have.....Violet Shine?

The mystery deepens...TTFN..back to the bat cave.