My poor Dune Mini Lin Speedy


Sep 17, 2006
I posted yesterday about how well this bag held up in the rain, sleet and snow. I just wasn't sure how well it would do once it got dirty. Well today I found out the hard way. I accidentally rubbed the purse against my disgustingly dirty car that hasn't been washed in months and has a build up from all the snow we have had lately. So in my panic of thinking what to do, I grabbed for the baby wipes I keep in my car and guess what? They worked! Took the BLACK dirt off and once it dried you could never tell it was dirty.
I know how much a few TPF'ers have been about this color, so hopefully this helps!
Thanks for listening.
i love baby wipes! i use them for practically everything... lol. my friends are always wondering why i have a box of baby wipes, and refills because there's no baby in the house!

i'm still planning on getting something mini lin in this color... perhaps a cles, since i don't really like any of the bags. the speedy 30 is too big for me. :sad: